Hey! We just sent out a big newsletter update today with lots of info that you most likely want to know. Are you signed up for our mailing list? If not, you should get on that so that you can get our Monday Morning emails!
Hey! We just sent out a big newsletter update today with lots of info that you most likely want to know. Are you signed up for our mailing list? If not, you should get on that so that you can get our Monday Morning emails!
Mike talks about how he wishes that his dogs would do more than just dog stuff. Animation by RYAN TOOGOOD – You can check out his stuff at
I want to start a new trend on the show and see how it goes. I would like to start taking calls and emails where I give people “advice” on how to handle run-ins, relationships, roommates, co-workers, etc – any sort of problem, or question about how to deal with life’s boogers. So while living your lives, keep track of these little things, and email me or call in to the show about them! Lets try some today at 4pmcst – 773-800-2980 or skype in “redbarradioshow”
We’re going to do the show later tonight but not sure what time yet. Still backed up over here and need to get all this store stuff done before anything. Also working on getting more archive epsiodes up as well as bonus content that still isn’t up. Can you believe we still have thousands of files that haven’t been posted to the new site?
Wanna get updates on stuff like this? We’ll post an update on our Twitter and Facebook when we are about to go live each day. Join/follow us so you never miss a live show!
Hey babes – We’ll continue our regularly scheduled programing starting TOMORROW (Tuesday the 19th). Currently we’re finishing up a bunch of RBR STORE work as well as some last minutes server kinks. We’ll have a full jam-packed week of shows for you starting tomorrow, and most likely a bunch of extra content to make up for not being here last Friday and today.
Desperately in need of some Red Bar? Try out the BARMY! It’s our massive bonus content club with thousands of hours of stuff to watch and listen to!